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By accessing our website, you agree to the terms of service that are provided below. These terms of service may be modified in the future should such a change be deemed necessary. By using this site, you also agree to these possible future changes.

Any outside work created by people not associated with Far Owl Studios will NOT have their work endorsed by the studio nor do we take responsibility for such works. Any content that is found on our website that is deemed to be in offense or promoting malfeasance will be removed as soon a possible though we are not liable for any content that comes through and is seen by a non-Far Owl Studios developer and or moderator. These same rules apply to our discord server, twitter, Instagram, Equestria Amino profile, and ALL other social media pages and or platforms that Far Owl Studios has. 

We reserve the right to remove anything on our pages that come into violation of the following:

Sexually explicit/NSFW/ offensive content

Content that promotes malfeasance and or commits malfeasance 

Content that promotes piracy and or actively commits piracy

Degradation of any kind regardless of political belief, motivation, etc. ZERO TOLERANCE

Advertisement of other games/works/ and or any content creators

Spam, this includes chainmail and filling up chats and or comments sections with counter-productive content


We reserve the right to amend any of the rules stated above, report any wrongdoing, to remove comments found in violation of the rules stated above, and modify the game at any time. 

Content policy

Any and all content found on our website and Far Owl Studios social media profiles is the property of Far Owl Studios and its affiliates. Any and all content that traces, re-posts, directly copies, and or isn't credited properly to Far Owl Studios. Failure will result in reporting to site moderators and being politely asked to remove the post.

You are allowed to use characters, settings, and intellectual property of Far Owl Studios and its affiliates should credit be given. We encourage you all to create content, but we wish to retain the intellectual rights to the Ethereal Metropolis and any future projects that Far Owl Studios produces.

If you have any questions about our Terms of Service, please do not hesitate to email us at

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